Many of the world's most prominent scientists now expect that that global warming exceeds the 1,5 degree Celsius target – the point of irreversible climate change. Reducing emissions is no longer enough. Countries and companies are struggling to meet their climate goals by reducing emissions. Removing CO2 from the atmosphere and storing it permanently is becoming our only safety net against catastrophic climate impacts.
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Phil De Luna | Forbes
In a significant advancement in the emerging carbon removal industry, the XPRIZE Foundation has to announce The top 20 finalists in the $100 million Carbon Removal XPRIZE competition, backed by the Musk Foundation. The challenge was launched to promote viable carbon removal solutions that can be implemented at scale, with the goal of both mitigating the effects of climate change and creating economic opportunity. With diverse teams from around the world, the top 20 represent a cross-section of the most promising technologies in both natural and engineered solutions.
The finalists include groundbreaking approaches ranging from enhanced weathering techniques that accelerate natural geological processes to cutting-edge direct air capture (DAC) systems that efficiently remove CO2 from the atmosphere. Other innovative methods include the application of biochar, which stabilizes carbon in solid form and improves soil health, and direct ocean capture, which extracts carbon from the ocean, allowing it to extract more CO2 from the air. The 20 finalist teams are organized into four removal pathways: Air, Rock, Ocean, and Land.
The Carbon Removal XPRIZE is structured in rounds, with each round designed to progressively test the feasibility, scalability, and economic viability of the technologies. In the final round, finalists are expected to demonstrate their technologies at a pilot scale, aiming to remove at least 1 tons of CO000 per year. This rigorous testing phase demonstrates not only the technology’s effectiveness, but also its potential market impact, as carbon removal must be economically sustainable to attract investment and enable large-scale deployment. (Disclaimer: My company Deep Sky is a carbon removal project developer that partnered with XPRIZE finalists for their pilot deployment.)
Importantly, XPRIZE recognition is a major catalyst for these startups, helping them raise funds from investors, attract customers, and develop partnerships with suppliers. “Just 12 months ago, my co-founder Jasper and I were building a prototype in my garage, and now we’re gearing up to deploy kiloton-scale DAC systems later this year,” said Rory Brown, CEO of Airhive and XPRIZE finalist. “This recognition from the XPRIZE team and expert judges will also help us move forward on our path to faster scale, and we’re excited to see how all the other great teams on the finalist list fare as well.”
As teams around the world race to develop technologies, regions are beginning to emerge as hubs focused on access to renewable energy and storage capacity – key ingredients for increasing carbon removal. For example, Quebec, Canada has recently been considered a promising location to build a direct air capture because of its abundance of hydroelectric power. “We are thrilled to be part of this exceptional group of climate innovators and XPRIZE Carbon Removal finalists,” said Gabriel Vézina, co-founder and CEO of the Quebec-based company Skyrenu . “This appointment highlights the potential and critical importance of deploying Direct Des Air Capture systems combined with CO2 mineralization for reliable and sustainable carbon removal, particularly for strategic regions like Quebec.
Innovation challenges like the XPRIZE Carbon Removal competition serve as a focal point for innovators and give us something to root for. As these teams enter the final phase of the competition, the world watches with bated breath, hoping that among them are the key technologies that will help us avoid climate catastrophe.
See the original article: https://www.forbes.com/sites/phildeluna/2024/05/10/as-global-warming-soars-these-xprize-carbon-removal-finalists-are-more-needed-than-ever/?ss=sustainability